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Haslucks Green


We believe that developing Oracy skills will equip our children at Haslucks Green with the tools that will enable them to express themselves creatively and imaginatively and to communicate with others effectively in an ever-changing world. Oracy is a powerful tool for learning; by teaching children to become more effective speakers and listeners, we empower them to better understand themselves, each other and the world around them.


Oracy plays a prominent role in teaching and learning. The ability to listen actively, speak clearly and communicate articulately is seen as a fundamental part of the learning process. Critically, oracy underpins the development of reading and writing, and is key to progress in all subjects.


Evidence shows that good Oracy helps to improve educational outcomes. Oracy skills allow children to elaborate on their ideas, build on the contributions of others and engage in their learning, deepening their understanding of concepts and ideas. 


We believe that good Oracy skills support a greater retention of subject specific knowledge across the curriculum-not just literacy. Children show improved confidence and self-esteem. They feel heard and valued.


The best Oracy takes place when students are both learning through talk and to talk. This is when students develop their subject knowledge and understanding through talk, which has been designed in such a way that they are also learning the skills needed to talk effectively.